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Poets & Writers has a wealth of publishing resources:

Whatever you need to know about publishing your writing, Jane Friedman is the go to experienced professional. Do check out her full website, which contains vastly useful information. These are the publishing articles I refer to the most:
- Start Here: How to Get Your Book Published – all about traditional publishing
- Start Here: How to Self-Publish Your Book – all about self-publishing (includes referrals to other helpful articles, too)
- Start Here: How to Write a Book Proposal – for all you nonfiction writers out there, here’s what you need to know about writing the all-important book proposal
- Back to Basics: Writing a Novel Synopsis – yes, the dreaded synopsis – start here, buckle down, and write the darned thing
- How to Find a Literary Agent for Your Book – the nuts and bolts of what you need to know to find a literary agent
- What is a Hybrid Publisher - if you're thinking of signing with a pay-to-publish press
- Not All Hybrid Publishers Are Created Equal - how you should evaluate your choice of publishing partner
- The Complete Guide to Query Letters That Get Manuscript Requests – for fiction writers seeking literary agent representation
- The Complete Guide to Query Letters: Nonfiction Books – for nonfiction writers seeking literary agent representation

Mark Dawson's Self-Publishing Formula is the go-to place to learn about how to successfully publish your own work. Great free resources and super online classes.

How to Write a Query Letter in 7 Steps—Plus an Infographic Checklist
By Martin Cavanaugh, @Reedsy. Terrific, step-by-step process for fiction writers.

Funds for Writers
C. Hope Clark provides writers with an incredible service. Visit Funds for Writers to learn about where to get writing grants, how to submit to current contests, where to find freelancing gigs, and so much more. If you’re looking to get published, and to get paid for your work, you simply must know Funds for Writers. Subscribe to one of two newsletters to keep up with current opportunities.

Creative Writers Opportunities
Don’t let the somewhat strange header of the Creative Writers Opportunities Blog get in your way of following this important blog. More fondly known as CRWROPPS, this is the blog for regular updates about submissions opportunities. If you’re looking for places to submit, this is for you. (It’s free, thanks to the incredible generosity of poet & editor Allison Joseph.)

Poets & Writers
Poets & Writers has a wealth of publishing resources:

New Pages
I’ve been referring people to New Pages since it was a wee website showcasing literary journals. Now – wow! NewPages.com is news, information, and guides to literary magazines, independent publishers, creative writing programs, alternative periodicals, indie bookstores, writing contests, and more. Great resource!

Mark Dawson's Self-Publishing Formula is also the go-to place to learn about how to successfully advertise and promote your own work. Great free resources and amazing online classes.

Nick Stephenson's online course, Your First 10,000 Readers, is chock full of useful information about how to promote sales for your book. However you publish your book, you'll find great tips and tools for getting your book out into the hands of readers.

All Tim Grahl does is promote and publicize book sales, and he can teach you how to successfully launch your own book out into the world. Learn all the nitty gritty behind bestselling launches.

- When Do You Need to Secure Permissions, by Jane Friedman
- What Every Writer Ought to Know about Fair Use and Copyright, by Joel Friedlander
- When to Copyright Your E-Book, by Anita Lovett
Please note that I personally haven’t used any of these tools, but I share them here because so many writers I work with do use them and find them useful; I’d feel remiss if I didn’t list them. Their inclusion here is not an endorsement from me, nor do I receive any commission if you sign up with them.